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Chapter 22 Multiplying Decimals and Percents

Section 22.1 What Percent Do You Understand?

There is a method that most students learn for multiplying decimals.
  • Step 1: \(11 \cdot 36 = 376\text{.}\)
  • Step 2: The number has one decimal and the number has two decimals, resulting in three total decimals.
  • Step 3: Write with three decimal places:
For example, to calculate \((1.1) \cdot (0.36)\text{:}\)
  • Step 1: \(11 \cdot 36 = 376\text{.}\)
  • Step 2: The number has one decimal and the number has two decimals, resulting in three total decimals.
  • Step 3: Write with three decimal places:
The last step is very rule-minded, as it would be wrong to write as even though that technically has three decimal places. And students have to learn how to handle the special case when there are more decimal places than digits.
But with all of this, we come back to the question that we’ve hit many times in this book: Why is this the rule? Why do decimals have this strange place-counting rule that we have to learn in order to do decimal multiplication correctly? It turns out that the answer comes from fraction multiplication.

Activity 22.1. Decimal Multiplication as Fractions.

Let’s look at the example calculation again, but this time work through the framework of fractions. We will first rewrite the decimals as fractions and then multiply straight across:
\begin{equation*} (1.1) \cdot (0.36) = \frac{11}{10} \cdot \frac{36}{100} = \frac{11 \cdot 36}{10 \cdot 100} = \frac{396}{1000} = 0.396 \end{equation*}
Notice that we can immediately see that the numerator is the product in Step 1 of the process. Steps 2 and 3 in the process come from the denominator. It’s basically just tracking the power of that comes out in the product. And that’s all there is to the rule.
Try it!
Calculate \((2.4) \cdot (0.03)\) using fraction multiplication.
\begin{equation*} (2.4) \cdot (0.03) = \frac{24}{10} \cdot \frac{3}{100} = \frac{24 \cdot 3}{10 \cdot 100} = \frac{72}{1000} = 0.072 \end{equation*}
One of the main applications of decimals comes from percents. Most people know the rule that to convert a number to a percent, you move the decimal two places to the left. For example, 50% is just 0.50 (which is often written as just 0.5) and 237% would be written as 2.37. Again, we want to transition from this simply being a rule of percents and turn it into a concept relating decimals and percents.

Activity 22.2. Converting Between Decimals, Percents, and Fractions (Part 1).

The word "percent" can be interpreted literally as "per hundred." So when we write we’re saying parts per hundred. Notice that this reflects the language of parts of a whole, which leads us to think about this as a fraction. And once we write this as a fraction, we can see why it’s the same as just moving the decimal two places to the left.
\begin{equation*} 75\% = \frac{75}{100} = 0.75 \end{equation*}
Also notice that \(\frac{75}{100}\) can be reduced to \(\frac{3}{4}\text{.}\) You may want to revisit Worksheet 21.2 for help with some of these fraction to decimal conversions.
In general, you will want to be able to move fluidly between all three of the notations (decimals, fractions, and percents).
Try it!
Complete the chart. Reduce the fractions where possible.

Activity 22.3. Converting Between Decimals, Percents, and Fractions (Part 2).

When all the numbers are written with just two decimal places, it makes the conversion to percents and fractions simple. And while there is nothing different when working with other numbers of decimals, they are prone to more errors. Just be careful and use your multiple ways of thinking about these numbers be a guide to help you determine if you have made an error.
Try it!
Complete the chart. Reduce the fractions where possible.
We have talked about the literal meaning of a percent, but we haven’t talked about its practical significance. Why do we even care about percents? A percent gives us a way of thinking about values relative to other values. For example, $1000 is a lot of money when you’re buying a dinner, but it’s a small amount of money when you’re buying a home. So a percent gives us a relative framework to help us understand the size of something. In fact, it is precisely the size of the part relative to the whole.
Here are some visual examples of 50%. The total area of the figure doesn’t matter. We are just thinking about the part of it relative to the whole amount. Percents are a way of doing that in a uniform manner.
When we talk about percentages, we often talk about a percent "of" something else, and the something else represents the whole. But sometimes we have to use context and reading comprehension to determine what the part is.
  • 10% of students don’t understand percents. (The whole is "all students" and the part is "the students that don’t understand percents.")
  • 70% of the budget went to salaries. (The whole is "the budget" and the part is "salaries.")
  • Save 20% off of the regular price! (The whole is "the regular price" and the part is "the discount.")
Algebraically, we might write the relationship as
\begin{equation*} (\text{the percent}) = \frac{(\text{the part})}{(\text{the whole})} \end{equation*}
which could be written equivalently as
\begin{equation*} (\text{the part}) = (\text{the percent}) \cdot (\text{the whole}). \end{equation*}
This second version can be read as "the part is the percent of the whole." And this phrasing is a helpful reminder of the meaning of percents.
A less fortunate phrasing that students learn is "is over of." This language may help students to set up calculations when problems are worded in a specific way, but it gives very little insight into the actual meaning of percents. In real life, people don’t go around asking "What is 20\% of 45?". It usually comes in a less structured form like the following: "The bill was \$45. How much should we tip?" Although we can translate the second form into the first after we understand percents, that translation step is where the actual understanding of percents is found, and the calculation is just the execution of the idea.

Activity 22.4. Working with Percents.

The primary exercise for thinking about percents is the practice of identifying the whole, the part, and the percent. While this is a useful mental framework, it’s also important to recognize that not every single problem will fit into this mold, and that more complex problems require more complex problem-solving skills. For the most part, we will keep things simple.
The problems you will be given will be short snippets that contain information that can be translated into a percent calculation. Your task will be to identify the part, the whole, and the percent using a complete sentence. One of these will always be an unknown quantity. Then you will need to solve for that unknown quantity and then use that information to address the question. Here is a full example:
The last batch of 500 light bulbs had 50 defects. What is the percent of defective bulbs?
  • The part: The number of defective bulbs is 50.
  • The whole: The total number of bulbs in the batch is 500.
  • The percent: The percent of defective bulbs is unknown.
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} (\text{the part}) \amp = (\text{the percent}) \cdot (\text{the whole}) \\ 50 \amp = x \cdot 500 \\ \frac{50}{500} \amp = x \\ \frac{1}{10} \amp = x \\ x \amp = 10\% \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
Answer: 10% of the bulbs were defective.
The amount of writing for these problems is a bit larger than usual. The reason for this is that how you write affects how you think, and we are focused on developing your thinking more than just driving you through some more algebraic manipulations. You should be able to perform the calculations in this section without a calculator.
Try it!
We bought 150 balloons for the party and we’ve blown up 80% of them. How many balloons have we filled?
  • The part: The number of filled balloons is unknown.
  • The whole: The total number of balloons is
  • The percent: of the balloons have been blown up.
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} (\text{the part}) \amp = (\text{the percent}) \cdot (\text{the whole}) \\ x \amp = 80\% \cdot 150 \\ \amp = \frac{80}{100} \cdot 150\\ \amp = \frac{4}{5} \cdot 150 \\ \amp = \frac{4}{\cancel{5}} \cdot 30 \cdot \cancel{5} \\ \amp = 120 \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
Answer: 120 of the balloons were filled.

Section 22.2 Worksheets

PDF Version of these Worksheets

Worksheet Worksheet 1

Calculate \((0.03) \cdot (1.5)\) using fraction multiplication.
Calculate \((0.42) \cdot (0.2)\) using fraction multiplication.
Complete the chart.
Complete the chart. Reduce the fractions where possible.

Worksheet Worksheet 2

Calculate \((0.05) \cdot 30\) using fraction multiplication.
Calculate \((0.008) \cdot 2000\) using fraction multiplication.
Calculate \(20\% \cdot 50\text{.}\)
Complete the chart. Reduce the fractions where possible.

Worksheet Worksheet 3

What is 25% of 80?
30% of what number is 45?
What percent of 20 is 40?
The recipe states that the amount of water that is needed is equal to 70% of the weight of the flour used. If 2500 grams of flour are used in the recipe, what is the weight of water that is required for proper hydration?
  • The part:
  • The whole:
  • The percent:

Worksheet Worksheet 4

Calculate \(10\% \cdot 5\text{.}\)
The marketing department has $100,000 to spend on this project, which is 20% of annual budget. How much money did they have budgeted for the entire year?
  • The part:
  • The whole:
  • The percent:
The car has a 12 gallon tank. When we went to the gas station, we filled it with 9 gallons of gas and now the tank is full. What percent of the tank’s capacity was the gas level at before we went to the gas station?
  • The part:
  • The whole:
  • The percent:

Worksheet Worksheet 5

A shirt was marked on sale at 20% off the regular price. The cost of the shirt at the register was $12. What is the regular price of the shirt?
  • The part:
  • The whole:
  • The percent:
In the previous problem, a common error for students to make is that they compute 20% of $12 (which is $2.40) and then add that amount to $12 to get $14.40. Give two different explanations for why this approach is not correct.
A tip can be calculated using the following method: (1) Start with the total bill; (2) Move the decimal point one space to the left; (3) Double that new number. Use algebra to explain why this results in a 20% tip.

Section 22.3 Deliberate Practice: Percent Calculations

Algebra is a skill, which means it requires practice to become proficient. But it will take more than rote repetition to get there. Deliberate practice is the thoughtful repetition of a task. For each of these sections, you will be given a list of specific skills or ideas to focus on as you practice thinking through the problems.
Focus on these skills:
  • Determine which of the part, the whole, and the percent you are given in the initial statement.
  • Set up the equation and solve it.
  • Present your work legibly.

Worksheet Worksheet

Instructions: Answer the question.
What is 20% of 70?
50% of what number is 15?
40 is 10% of what number?
What percent of 60 is 18?
5% of 60 is what?
What is of 30% of 27?
8 is 25% of what number?
40% of 32 is what number?
25% of what number is 12?
What number is 75% of 52?

Section 22.4 Closing Ideas

As mentioned before, most decimal multiplication is performed by calculators or computers. But computers are usually not able to perform percent calculations without a person correctly identifying the part, the whole, and the percent, and then determining what calculations are required to solve the problem. With the goal of mathematical thinking in mind, the problems in this section were set up so that calculators would not be needed.
But if you were run into a situation where you would need a calculator, as long you have the correct mathematical thinking then all you need to do is replace the mental calculation with a calculator calculation. There is no real loss (from the perspective of logic) in trading that out. Here is the light bulb problem again, but with slightly more realistic numbers:
The last batch of 1500 light bulbs had 37 defects. What is the percent of defective bulbs?
  • The part: The number of defective bulbs is 37.
  • The whole: The total number of bulbs in the batch is 1500.
  • The percent: The percent of defective bulbs is unknown.
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} (\text{the part}) \amp = (\text{the percent}) \cdot (\text{the whole}) \\ 37 \amp = x \cdot 1500 \\ \frac{37}{1500} \amp = x \\ x \amp \approx 0.02467 \\ x \amp \approx 2.467\% \\ \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
Answer: About 2.5% of the bulbs were defective.
Notice that the overall process is unchanged, and it’s just a matter of using different numbers. This is very similar to the process of learning to treat variables like numbers in other calculations, such as reducing fractions. In fact, the particular area of mathematical thinking, which is sometimes called algebraic reasoning, is the whole idea that you can generalize the methods and ideas of simple examples so that they can be applied in more complex situations. You got a hint of this type of reasoning in the last few problems where you had to do a mental manipulation before putting the numbers into the parts of a whole framework. And that is the skill that you should be aiming to develop in your college level courses. You want to be more than a calculator.

Section 22.5 Going Deeper: Proportional Reasoning

In this section, we focused on the standard type of percent problem and some minor variants of it. With some of the more complicated problems, you had to do a bit more thinking to correctly identify the components of the basic percent relationship. This way of thinking about percents is a specific example of a broader framework known as ratios. A ratio is a general type of mathematical relationship where two (or more) quantities are held in a constant proportion with each other.
For example, if you are buying packages of hot dog buns where each package contains 8 buns, then there is a constant ratio between the number of packages you purchase and the total number of buns you have. We can set this up using the following word equation:
\begin{equation*} \text{(the number of buns)} = 8 \cdot \text{(the number of packages)}. \end{equation*}
When you compare this to the percent equation, you’ll see that it has a similar structure, though the name of the components are different.
We can set this up a little more generally:
\begin{equation*} \text{(the number of item $Y$)} = \text{(the ratio of item $Y$ to item $X$)} \cdot \text{(the number of item $X$)} \end{equation*}
We usually prefer to use symbols instead of words because it takes up a lot less space, so if we let \(y\) represent the number of item \(Y\text{,}\) \(x\) represent the number of item \(X\text{,}\) and let \(k\) be the ratio of item \(Y\) to item \(X\) then this becomes
\begin{equation*} y = kx. \end{equation*}
This type of relationship is one of the standard models that we use for talking about how two quantities are related to each other. We call this a linear (or direct) relationship between the variables. In many cases, it’s more useful to think of the equation in the form
\begin{equation*} k = \frac{y}{x}, \end{equation*}
which more directly shows us that is the ratio of the number of item \(Y\) to the number of item \(X\text{.}\)
We can set up this relationship between any two collections of objects. In example above, it was the ratio of hot dog buns to the number of packages. When we’re talking about percents, it’s the ratio of "the part" (the number of a specific type of object) to "the whole" (the total number of objects in the collection). We also saw this ratio when looking at slopes of lines (the amount of "rise" to the amount of "run"). When we think about speed, we think about the ratio of how far something travels for a given amount of time, which is why speed has units such as "miles per hour." This shows that idea of a ratio is fundamental to algebraic reasoning and is useful in many applications.
It is often useful to think about the distinction between a ratio and a proportion. A ratio is the relationship between two quantities. A proportion is when we say that two ratios are the same. For example, if you went to the store to buy two packages of hot dog buns and your friend went to the store to buy two packages of hot dots, you may end up with different numbers of buns and dogs even though you bought the same number of packages. The reason for this is that the buns and dogs may have different numbers of objects per package. They are not proportional to each other.
Proportional reasoning can be difficult for many people because the the importance of one quantity is measured relative to the size of another. For example, losing $1000 can be very detrimental to a household’s income, but a multi-billion dollar company would hardly be bothered by the loss. And on the other side of things, the difference between the price of milk being $2.99 per gallon or $3.09 per gallon is negligible for a household’s budget, but this can be a large additional expense for a company that needs to buy millions of gallons of milk.
This idea can be looped back around to percents by thinking about percent change. The idea of a percent change is that we’re looking at the ratio of the amount of change to the quantity relative to the quantity itself. This helps us to think about how much of an impact something has on the overall situation. For example, a pay raise of $1 per hour means a lot to someone who is earning $10 per hour, but it means very little to someone earning $100 per hour, even though the raise is the same size. The difference is that it’s a larger percent increase in wages to the person earning less money (a 10% pay raise compared to a 1% pay raise).
An important note about percent change is that it can lead to error if you’re not careful. An example of this can be seen if we think about something doubling. For example, let’s say that the person making $10 per hour finds a different job and doubles their wages to $20 per hour. What is the percent change of their wages? Some people immediately latch on to the number 2 (because the wages doubled) and convert 2 into a percent to get a percent change of 200%. But this is wrong. We have to go back and think about what the definition of a percent increase is. We have to look at the total amount of change in the wages, which is $10 more per hour, and then use the base pay as the denominator of the ratio, which is also $10. This means that there was a 100% increase in their wages.
This is not intuitive for many people. It’s a specific type of thinking that requires time and practice in order to become proficient. As you continue to take quantitative classes, especially science and social science courses, you will see proportional reasoning start to seep into the basic language you use to describe the world around you, and the more prepared you are, the more you will get out of those other classes.