Getting Started
I guess I’ll make this one my first true blog post. I’ve been playing around with this for a little bit, and I think I know enough to get myself started.
Why am I even doing this? I’m going on sabbatical this summer with the intention of getting more connected to the data science world and formalizing a lot of the knowledge that I’ve picked up informally over the last 5-6 years. I’ve thrown up a few things on github in the past, but this is my first attempt to really try to take ownership of the space.
This is primarily just about me providing myself a space to condense my experiences and organize the things that I’m learning. At this point, it’s really just for me. If other people find this and think it’s useful, then that’s a bonus. So this is just going to be a repository for me to dump information that I pick up along my journey.
But I do foresee at least a few categories of information going into this:
- Coursework – I’m taking some graduate level courses. I’ll probably summarize some of the things I’m learning here. I doubt I’m going to go as far as doing full notes.
- Code – I’m expecting to do some sort of mixture of Python and R when working with the data science content. But I’m also going to be learning how to use Jekyll and Liquid (at least through github). I may also pick up some HTML5 and CSS along the way as a result of working with that. And I should probably learn some javascript.
- Projects – As I do more data science stuff, I’ll probably post full projects. It’s not just running the code, but also practicing how to organize it and communicate it to others, and I can envision myself using this to create mini reports or something like that.
- Today I learned… – There just may be some times that I’m learning about something and want to reflect on it. I do have some books that I’m planning to work through, and so some of that may end up here. This may include links to other resources.