Counting the Tags

Category: code
Tags: Jekyll 

It’s a small update, but it’s worth giving it a mention for the sake of completeness. The tag cloud now also indicates how many times the tag has been used.

Inside of the tagcloud.html file, I updated the line that output the tag link to the following:

[<a href="/tag/">--</a>]

I was looking at the way that the tag cloud was constructed, and it’s not particularly efficient. It creates a variable that looks like 1001#tagname#1, where the last number is the number of times the tag appears and the first number is 1000 greater than it. I don’t yet see any particular value in that opening tag, but there may be something there that I’m not aware of.

Also, the code creates a variable tagname when it’s not necessary. I can see that there may be some readability issues with that decision, but there is otherwise no obvious reason to do that.

Written on May 5, 2020