SNHD - Several Weeks In
It’s been a few weeks now with SNHD. It’s been a little bit slow getting things up and running, but things are starting to pick up now.
Adventures in Sabbatical Land
It’s been a few weeks now with SNHD. It’s been a little bit slow getting things up and running, but things are starting to pick up now.
I’ve completed my first week with the Southern Nevada Health District, and so far I like how things are shaping up.
I took a little bit of time this afternoon to write a short Python script to help with the tags on the blog site.
Yesterday, I learned that the Southern Nevada Health District used R Shiny to create a webpage that they were using as a dashboard.
I finally got to work on picking up some more JavaScript stuff.
The remainder of the book is probably not worth going into too deeply.
A recommender system is a program that takes a user’s selection and tries to find selections that are related to it. The relationship is based on the behaviors of other users.